The ITTrms e.V. is a legal institution affiliated to the Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT), at the Technical University of Applied Sciences of Cologne. We focus on applied research and capacity building following a holistic approach that considers biophysical, environmental, economic and social aspects and addresses challenges related to resources allocation develop adequate locally suitable solutions for water, land and energy resources management systems. It integrates different disciplines methodplines and methods for the analysis and development of natural resources management solutions. Ongoing projects address topics like drought risk management, water use efficiency, irrigation, sustainable agriculture, land use and climate change interactions, river basin assessment, hydrological modeling and Water-Food-Energy Nexus research. Next to its scientific expertise, the ITTrms relies on decades of experience in project management and coordination of international projects with a large international network with partner universities and local/regional stakeholders /implementing institutions worldwide.